Dear Friend,
Health journeys are personal. We are all bio-individuals, what works for one of us on our health journey will not work for all of us. For most of us, our foundational thoughts about health and wellness originate from our family. Families have a big impact on our health beliefs and practices.
I’ve been thinking about this in my own experience this week, as I process the loss of my mom. My mom Faye passed away peacefully on June 10th. To say that she had a bold influence on my life including my beliefs on health and wellness would be an understatement. For her, health meant living life on her terms.
For Faye that meant loving intensely, moving in a way that brought her joy, and taking advantage of all that life has to offer.
As a mother to five children, she always had loved ones close by. She also had friends. She loved playing tennis, golf, cards, and billiards, and ballroom dancing was a passion of hers for 15 years. She had close friends in all of these areas throughout her life.
Faye had purpose. Her family gave her purpose but that wasn’t all. She loved to learn. In her forties, she earned her high school degree and attended local community college classes. For a while, she excelled in a career in mortgage banking. It seemed she was always learning something new. I have fond memories of taking Bridge classes with her at the local middle school at night when I was 16 years old and teaching her how to play tennis. She insisted.
She had self-confidence and believed in self-care. She was spiritual but not religious. If you knew her at all you’ll understand when I say she was a hell of a woman and a hard act to follow.
Faye lived a full and beautiful life. I would summarize her health philosophy like this:
Be authentic.
Be spiritual and believe in yourself.
Have a purpose.
Love your family and make sure they know it.
Hold on to dear friends
Find something you love and people you love doing it with.
Eat healthy-ish. Eat a balanced diet and have some cake occasionally.
You only get one wild and precious life. Love intensely, love often, and share your love with others.
If you are ready to get healthier so you can live your one wild and precious life to its fullest contact me today to discuss your personal health journey.