5 Ingredients, 50 smoothies

The Five Ingredients, 50 Smoothies Guide is the only guide you will ever need to make delicious, healthy smoothies. With a how-to page and shopping guide, it is the complete guide taking the place of 50 smoothie recipes!

5 Ingredients, 50 Smoothies is for you if you want to…

  • Lose weight

  • Balance hormones

  • Increase energy

  • Balance blood sugar levels

  • Lose belly fat

  • Increase health-span

  • Add more vegetables to your diet

  • Manage food cravings

  • Boost brain function

  • Maintain a healthy weight

5 Ingredients, 50 Smoothies Recipe: Peanut Butter Smoothie

Hi! I’m Jacqui


I’m Jacqui, a health coach working with amazing women like you who want to live life to its fullest. Guiding and supporting you to find solutions to midline weight gain, lack of energy, sleep challenges, and stress, so you can live the life you choose.

Creating a personalized healthy lifestyle plan so all the exciting changes you experience are lasting. Embark on a holistic wellness journey that incorporates nutrition, physical movement, and mindfulness so you can restore balance and feel nourished by life.