Dear Friend,

Did you know studies show that sugar is at least as addictive as cocaine?!

Some studies show it is up to 8 times more addictive. That’s pretty scary when you consider sugar is everywhere. And we crave it! A large amount of added sugar is found in sugary drinks like energy drinks, sodas, and coffee. It is also hidden in almost all ultra processed foods under 60 different names. As a result, most Americans consume 19 teaspoons of sugar daily. That’s a whopping 300 calories and 76 grams of sugar. Compare that to the American Heart Association recommendation of 6 teaspoons for women (25g) and 9 teaspoons (38g) for men daily. Over-consuming sugar is hard on our health, especially as we age. It has been linked to:

  • Heart disease

  • Obesity

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Inflammation

  • Fatty Liver Disease

  • Stroke

How it works

Added sugars are simple carbohydrates. When you consume them they quickly rush to your bloodstream in the form of glucose, spiking your blood sugar levels and giving you a kick of energy, a sugar high

Sugar crashes happen when your pancreas makes the hormone insulin to move the

glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells. This process may cause a  sudden drop in blood sugar levels leaving you weak, weary, and craving more sugar. Over time your cells may become irritated and unable to receive the glucose carried by the insulin which can lead to inflammation and more fat storage.

Sugar is addictive. Our brains perceive sugar as a reward. If you eat a lot of sugar often, you reinforce the reward feeling. The more you eat it, the more you crave it. If you regularly eat more sugar than you planned, or if you consume large amounts over and over, you could be a sugar addict.

Fortunately, you can overcome a sugar addiction and reduce the impact of sugar on your body. Experts suggest going cold turkey. Keep in mind that while detoxing from sugar you may experience withdrawal symptoms for 2 to 4 weeks, including irritability, fatigue, and cravings within the first 48 hours being the toughest. If you are not sure if you are a sugar addict but need a post holiday sugar breakup try to eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. Here is a simple outline for how to get started. 

Sugar Detox

  • Make a plan and clean out your pantry.

  • Skip soda and drink plenty of water.

  • Focus on eating plenty of high quality protein and fiber that will fill you up and make you feel satiated.

  • Eat lots of complex carbohydrates like leafy greens and veggies. Include sweet potatoes and squashes.

  • Eat whole fruits.

  • Avoid starchy foods like processed cereals, chips, fries, and bagels that can cause the same blood sugar spikes as sugary drinks and foods.

  • Make sure you read labels carefully!

Tips for Success

  1. Get Enough Sleep 

  2. Exercise daily

  3. Manage Stress

  4. Brush Your Teeth to offset cravings

  5. Get Support

For a sweet-busting snack with fiber and protein, spread nut butter on apple slices or blueberries and grass-fed whole milk yogurt. 

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more information and tips on how to cut back on sugar and reduce the impacts of sugar on your body.

Changing eating habits can be overwhelming. Don’t go it alone. For support in kicking sugar and so much more contact me for a free discovery call and health consultation. I can help you design a personalized plan to reach all your health goals. 2023 is Your year. Take the next step to make it happen!

Dig Deeper 

“Experts Agree Sugar Might be as Addicting as Cocaine” Healthline April 2020

Harvard Health Publishing “The Sweet Danger of Sugar” January 2022

If you are looking to permanently kick sugar and carbohydrates 7 Steps To Get Off Sugar And Carbohydrates is a book one of my clients is following and likes. 

A list of articles about research on sugar addiction


The Miracle Drink


Liz Did It! So Can YOU!