Dear Friend,
Drinking lemon water can be a great way to start your day. It is one of those sweet little habits that doesn’t require much effort, time, or money. It is refreshing and has important benefits for midlife women.
Benefits of drinking lemon water daily
Better Gut Health. Better gut health equates to better health. The acid in lemons can help boost stomach acid levels that decrease as we age. The citric acid in lemon helps protect liver function.
Helps with Weight Loss. Drinking more water has been associated with increased weight loss because it helps boost metabolism. The research specific to lemon water and weight loss is limited. However, replacing juice, or high-sugar drinks with lemon water could have a big payoff in weight loss.
Promotes Hydration. Lemon juice contains electrolytes that help with rehydration. Optimal hydration supports our body systems at the cellular level. The benefits of optimal hydration include; improved skin quality, protection from kidney stones, and relief from bloating and constipation.
Source of vitamin C. The juice of half a lemon provides about ⅕ of your daily vitamin C requirements. Vitamin C helps repair and protects against cellular damage.
Lemons have flavonoids, plant compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help clean up free radicals that can cause oxidative stress. Flavonoids also help reduce inflammation linked to increased oxidative stress and risks of arthritis, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions.
Drinking lemon water is a healthy daily habit. It is affordable, and can be easily stacked on other habits. Consuming lemon water as part of a nutrition plan that includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to boost your health.
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Dig Deeper
The Benefits of Lemon Water
By Rachael Link, MS, RD
7 Reasons to Start Your Day With Lemon Water
Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Medical News Today