The Hormone Balancing Plate: Part 1 Protein
The Hormone Balancing Plate is designed to provide midlife women with a guide for optimizing their nutrition. Good nutrition supports hormone balance and optimal health. I hope to provide practical advice by focusing on a few basic guidelines that allow you to view healthy eating as a lifestyle rather than a strict diet.
This week is all about protein. I’ll write about fiber, fat, and complex carbs in the following weeks.
While the Hormone Balancing plate is not designed for weight loss, it can be a helpful tool. Eating a nutrient-dense balanced diet can help you harmonize hormones and possibly lose excess weight. ..
Why Protein is Important
Proteins are essential macronutrients made of amino acids. They play a crucial role in balancing hormones. Proteins are responsible for new cell growth and repair. They are also necessary for balancing blood sugar levels, reducing hunger hormones, increasing satiety, and building and maintaining muscle mass.
The quality of the protein matters. Animal proteins are complete proteins, meaning they have all nine essential amino acids that have to be consumed through food. Animal proteins are the most easily digested and absorbed by our bodies.
High-quality complete proteins include:
Grass-fed Beef
Pasture-raised Poultry and Eggs
Wild-caught Fish
Grass-fed protein powder (minimal ingredients)
Greek A2 Yogurt
Goat Yogurt
Cottage cheeses made with grass-fed dairy
Plant sources of protein include organic
Nuts, and nut butters
How much protein
Most women need to calculate .8 to 1.5 g/kg body weight. If you are over 60 like me and/or trying to build muscle mass you may want to calculate 1g per pound of ideal body weight.
I weigh 137 lbs. so I strive for 125 to 135 grams of protein daily.
Eating protein across all three meals evenly is important to supply a steady flow of amino acids throughout the day for optimal muscle health and metabolism support. Spacing protein evenly also helps control your appetite between meals.
Start your day with 30 to 40 grams of protein. Here are my two favorite breakfasts.
Peanut Butter Smoothie 40 + grams of protein
½ to 1 cup nut milk
1 scoop of high-quality chocolate or vanilla protein powder
1 serving collagen powder
Add 2 handfuls of frozen power greens or greens of choice
2 tbsp peanut butter
½ - 1 whole frozen banana
2 tbsp flax seed
Blend well in a high-speed blender.
Egg and Veggie Scramble 30+ grams
Sauté 2 cups spinach in an oiled medium-hot skillet
Beat 3 eggs and add them to the spinach
Add salt and pepper to taste
Sprinkle in 1 oz feta cheese
Continue stirring all to the desired doneness
A nutrient-dense diet can be a game changer in your health. Food can help or harm your health. Including an adequate amount of protein can play a crucial role in obtaining your health goals and keeping hormones harmonized. If you want support reaching your health goals contact me today for a FREE discovery call.